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‘V obleženi’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘V obleženi’ [The Siege] put on by Dramatický a Pěvecký Klub Dvořák in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at St. Ludmila’s on Sunday, November 19, 1922 -Czech language, 4 pages
‘Budem žit na věky’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Budem žit na věky’ [We Will Live Forever] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, March 17, 1940 -Czech language, 20 pages
Tags: 1940, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Ferdinand spi!’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Ferdinand spi!’ [Ferdinand Asleep!] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Zapadni Cesko-Bratrska Jednota (Z.C.B.J.) Hall on Sunday, January 13, 1935 -Czech language, 12 pages
Tags: 1935, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Hanácká krev’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Hanácká krev’ [Hana’s Blood] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, October 10, 1937 -Czech language, 8 pages
Note: A play about patriots from the Hana (an…
Note: A play about patriots from the Hana (an…
Tags: 1937, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Jak jsem se měl po smrti’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Jak jsem se měl po smrti’ [As I Was After Death] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, April 19, 1942 -Czech language, 24 pages
Tags: 1942, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Jindra’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Jindra’ put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, January 10, 1937 -Czech language, 12 pages
Tags: 1937, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Kutilová žení syna’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Kutilová žení syna’ [Kutilova’s Married Son] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, October 6, 1940 -Czech language, 20 pages
Tags: 1940, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Kytička pro štěstí’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Kytička pro štěstí’ [Flower for Good Luck] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, December 10, 1939 -Czech language, 20 pages
Tags: 1939, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Maminka’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Maminka’ [Mommy] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, April 17, 1938 -Czech language, 12 pages
Tags: 1938, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall
‘Obchod je Obchod’ program
Theater program for the performance of ‘Obchod je Obchod’ [Business is Business] put on byDramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, May 4, 1941 -Czech language, 20 pages
Tags: 1941, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, program, theater, ZCBJ Hall