Theater program for the performance of ‘Okolo Rybníka’ [Across the Pond] put on by Okrskový Výbor Státu Illinois Z.Č.B.J. of Berwyn, Illinois. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday, March 28, 1976 –Czech language, 4 pages.
Program for the “Románek Krásné Toničky” [A Beautifully Intoxicating Novella] performance by Č.S.A. Dramatický Odbor Z Chicaga, Illinois [C.S.A. Dramatic Department from Chicago, IL] held at C.S.P.S. Hall –Czech and English, 16 pages.
Booklet for the Fifteenth National Convention of the Western Bohemian Fraternal Association (formerly called Z.C.B.J.) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Includes advertisements in Czech and English, 52 pages.
Black and white photograph of Dr. Leo B. Sedlacek, Mayor Frank Hahn, actor Bryant Washburn, and two unknown persons. Washburn is receiving a key to the city of Cedar Rapids.
Black and white photograph of the 'First Get-To-Gether of English Speaking Lodges of C.S.A.' Event took place August 26-28, 1937, in Cedar Rapids. Photo probably taken in C.S.P.S. building.
Black and white photograph of various C.S.A. lodges, possibly at a get-together. Photograph taken at C.S.P.S. Hall in Cedar Rapids, IA. Date on back of photo is 10-6-70.
Front row sitting (left to right): Henrietta Blazek, Marie…
Black and white photograph of a group of men. Taken July 31, 1947. Note on back indicates photograph was probably taken in Cedar Rapids, maybe at a C.S.A. (Czechoslovak Society of America) event. Also indicates Leo B. Sedlacek is in the third row,…