Program for the 10th Anniversary for Českého Národního Sdružení [Czech-American National Alliance] held at C.S.P.S. Hall, March 29, 1925 –Czech language.
Program for the C.S.A.'s (Czechoslovak Society of America) 'First Annual Get Together of English Speaking Lodges.' Took place August 26-28, 1937 in Cedar Rapids, IA. Program includes advertisements from local businesses, 36 pages.
Program for the “Románek Krásné Toničky” [A Beautifully Intoxicating Novella] performance by Č.S.A. Dramatický Odbor Z Chicaga, Illinois [C.S.A. Dramatic Department from Chicago, IL] held at C.S.P.S. Hall –Czech and English, 16 pages.