Program for the “Románek Krásné Toničky” [A Beautifully Intoxicating Novella] performance by Č.S.A. Dramatický Odbor Z Chicaga, Illinois [C.S.A. Dramatic Department from Chicago, IL] held at C.S.P.S. Hall –Czech and English, 16 pages.
Program for the C.S.A.'s (Czechoslovak Society of America) 'First Annual Get Together of English Speaking Lodges.' Took place August 26-28, 1937 in Cedar Rapids, IA. Program includes advertisements from local businesses, 36 pages.
Program for the 10th Anniversary for Českého Národního Sdružení [Czech-American National Alliance] held at C.S.P.S. Hall, March 29, 1925 –Czech language.
Black and white photograph of Dr. Leo B. Sedlacek, Mayor Frank Hahn, actor Bryant Washburn, and two unknown persons. Washburn is receiving a key to the city of Cedar Rapids.
Black and white photograph of the performance of 'The Man from Nowhere' put on by the Junior American Czech Society and featuring actor Bryant Washburn. A key on the back and an accompanying photocopy identify the actors. Includes Washburn's…