Theater program for the performance of ‘Okolo Rybníka’ [Across the Pond] put on by Okrskový Výbor Státu Illinois Z.Č.B.J. of Berwyn, Illinois. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday, March 28, 1976 –Czech language, 4 pages.
Booklet for Husův Lid- Husovi, a Jubilee in memorial of Jan Hus, Spojené České Evanjelické Církve [Czech Evangelical United Church], Cedar Rapids- Czech language, 16 pages.
Document pertaining to Josef Kubík, Residency permit? Josef Kubík immigrated to the United States in 1865 and his family settled in Iowa –Czech language. Please note that this document is extremely fragile and every effort was taken during scanning…
Program for a Cedar Rapids Sokol event. ‘Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol [Sokol Association]. Šedesát let [Sixty Years]. 1873’ - Cedar Rapids, Iowa - 1933. Inside text (in Czech and English): 'Festival evening of physical culture by the exemplary teams of…
Theater program for the performance of Bílý lev:‘Na Seině a na Vltavě’ [White Lion: From the Seine to the Vltave] put on by Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, December 21, 1919 -Czech language, 8…
Theater program for the performance of ‘Cácorka’ put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, January 17, 1932 -Czech language, 24 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Černé oči’ [Black Eyes] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, March 22, 1931 -Czech language, 24 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Ceska Chaloupka’ [Little Czech Cottage] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, March 8, 1936 -Czech language, 16 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Ceske Besedy’ [Czech Entertainment] put on by Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Ctenarskskeho Spolku (C.S.P.S.) Hall on Sunday, May 9, 1897- Czech language, 4 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Cestička k srdci aneb Zámecké Strašidlo’ [The Path to the Heart or The Castle Ghost] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, December 7, 1930 -Czech language, 24…