Program for the 10th Anniversary for Českého Národního Sdružení [Czech-American National Alliance] held at C.S.P.S. Hall, March 29, 1925 –Czech language.
Program for the Masaryk Memorial Concert starring Lyra Singing Society. Held at Memorial Coliseum in Cedar Rapids on March 7, 1948. Includes advertisements from local businesses- Czech and English, 28 pages.
Theater program for the performance of ‘V obleženi’ [The Siege] put on by Dramatický a Pěvecký Klub Dvořák in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at St. Ludmila’s on Sunday, November 19, 1922 -Czech language, 4 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Budem žit na věky’ [We Will Live Forever] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, March 17, 1940 -Czech language, 20 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Ferdinand spi!’ [Ferdinand Asleep!] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Zapadni Cesko-Bratrska Jednota (Z.C.B.J.) Hall on Sunday, January 13, 1935 -Czech language, 12 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Hanácká krev’ [Hana’s Blood] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, October 10, 1937 -Czech language, 8 pages
Note: A play about patriots from the Hana (an…
Theater program for the performance of ‘Jak jsem se měl po smrti’ [As I Was After Death] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, April 19, 1942 -Czech language, 24 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Jindra’ put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, January 10, 1937 -Czech language, 12 pages