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Ivana Edwards
Ivana Edwards was born in Prague. Her mother Pavla owned a perfume shop in the city (on Na Příkopě) and her father Eduard (upon arriving in Canada he changed his own name to Samuel and the family name to Edwards) owned a leather manufacturing…
Irena Cajkova
Irena Cajkova was born in Městec Králové and grew up with her parents and older brother and sister in the town of Nymburk located about 30 miles east of Prague. Irena’s parents both worked for the railroad industry (her father was a railroad engineer…
Ingrid Chybik
Ingrid Chybik was born in Brno, Moravia, in 1939. Her mother Hilda stayed at home and raised Ingrid and her younger brother Alfred, while her father (also called Alfred) directed a textile business. During WWII, Ingrid fell ill with diphtheria which,…
Frank Schwelb
Frank Schwelb was born in Prague in 1932. He and his parents, Caroline and Egon, lived in the center of Prague, and Frank remembers the Nazi troops marching through the city. Caroline was a language teacher and translator, and Egon worked as an…
Elizabeth Rajec
Elizabeth Rajec was born in Bratislava in 1931. She grew up in the center of the city where her parents, Vavrinec and Theresa, owned a tailoring business. She also lived with her two brothers, one sister and grandmother. Due to her diverse background…
Eda Vedral
Eda Vedral was born in České Budějovice in 1927. His mother, Ludmila, was a teacher and his father, also named Eduard, was a journalist. When Eda was six, the Vedrals moved to Mladá Boleslav where his father worked as writer and editor for the local…
Masaryk Memorial Concert, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1945
Program for 4th annual Masaryk Memorial Concert held at Memorial Coliseum in Cedar Rapids on April 22, 1945. Sponsored by the Federation of Czech Groups in conjuction with the Coe College girls' choir –Czech language, 24 pages.
Lyra C.S.A. Men's & Women's Choruses program, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1982
Program for Lyra C.S.A. Men’s and Women’s Choruses featuring George Picha’s Brass Band, October 24, 1982 at Paramount Theater, Cedar Rapids, Iowa –English and Czech, 6 pages.
15th National Convention, W.B.F.A., Cedar Rapids, IA, 1963
Booklet for the Fifteenth National Convention of the Western Bohemian Fraternal Association (formerly called Z.C.B.J.) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Includes advertisements in Czech and English, 52 pages.
Tags: 1963, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, organization, program, ZCBJ/WFLA
‘Okolo Rybníka’ by Okrskový Výbor Státu Illinois Z.Č.B.J. of Berwyn, Illinois, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1976
Theater program for the performance of ‘Okolo Rybníka’ [Across the Pond] put on by Okrskový Výbor Státu Illinois Z.Č.B.J. of Berwyn, Illinois. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday, March 28, 1976 –Czech language, 4 pages.
Tags: 1976, Cedar Rapids, Czech language, Iowa, organization, program, theater, ZCBJ/WFLA