Browse Items (88 total)

Program for Cedar Rapids Centennial Banquet program Saturday, October 20, 1973 at C.S.P.S. Hall in Cedar Rapids, 24 pages.

Bazaar Program of the Sokol Gymnastics Association (Telocvicne Jednoty Sokol) at C.S.P.S. Hall. November 8, to 13, 1926 –Czech and English, 50 pages.

Theater program for the performance of ‘Zlatá brána otevřena’ [Open Golden Gate] put on by Matice Školská in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, May 14, 1939 -Czech language, 16 pages

Theater program for the performance of ‘Vlast máti až nás zavolá’ [Our Motherland Calls Us] put on by Matice Školská in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, May 11, 1941 -Czech language, 16 pages

Theater program for the performance of ‘Veselí tři mušketýři’ [Hilarious Three Musketeers] put on by Prokop Velky č. 46 Č.S.P.S. (formerly known as Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku ) in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, December…

Theater program for the performance of ‘Tvrdě Hlavy’ [Hard Heads] put on by Prokop Velky č. 46 Č.S.P.S. (formerly known as Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku ) in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, January 18, 1931 -Czech language,…

Theater program for the performance of ‘Slunci vstřic’ [Toward the Sun] put on by Matice Školská in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, May 12, 1940 -Czech language, 16 pages

Theater program for the performance of ‘Slečna tulačka’ [Miss Vagrant] put on by Prokop Velky č. 46 Č.S.P.S. (formerly known as Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku ) in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, March 23, 1930 -Czech…

Theater program for the performance of ‘Pohádka o maminčině srdéčku aneb Jak Kašpárek polepšil zlého Jeníka’ [Tales About My Mother’s Heart or How Kasparek reformed bad Jenik] put on by Matice Školská in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on…

Theater program for the performance of ‘Nevěsta Legionářova’ [Legionnaire Bride] put on by Prokop Velky č. 46 Č.S.P.S. (formerly known as Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku ) in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, November 9, 1930…
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