Theater program for the performance of ‘Maminka’ [Mommy] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, April 17, 1938 -Czech language, 12 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘Skřivánek z Podlesí’ [Skrivanek from Podlesi] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, March 6, 1938 -Czech language, 16 pages
Theater program for the performance of ‘V tom našem kostelícku’ [In our Churches] put on by Dramatický Kroužek Z.Č.B.J. in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at Z.C.B.J. Hall on Sunday, December 4, 1938 -Czech language, 16 pages
Program for Cedar Rapids Sokol event. ‘Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol pořádá Večer Tělocvičné Školy v neděli dne 24. dubna 1938’ [An evening of physical culture, Being an Annual Review of the work of the Sokol Association, Sunday, April 24, 1938]. Held at…