Browse Items (7 total)

Photo a group of children at People’s Church annual picnic, 1932-June 10. Names of children in attendance are listed on the back of the photo.

Theater program for the performance of ‘Stará láska nerezaí’ [Old Love Never Dies] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, May 1, 1932 -Czech language, 24 pages

Theater program for the performance of ‘Proč bychom se netěšili’ [Why We Are Merry] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, March 27, 1932 -Czech language, 24 pages

Theater program for the performance of 'Pašerák' [Smuggler] put on by Prokop Velky č. 46 Č.S.P.S. (formerly known as Dramatický odbor Čtenářskeho Spolku ) in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, February, 21, 1932 -Czech language, 16…

Theater program for the performance of ‘Kdo nemiloval – nežil’ [Who Loved – Lived] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, December 11, 1932 -Czech language, 16 pages

Theater program for the performance of ‘Děda Štráchal jede k panu presidentovi’ [Grandpa Strachal Goes to Mr. President] put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA. Held at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, October 23, 1932 -Czech language, 16 pages

Theater program for the performance of ‘Cácorka’ put on by Ochotnické Družstvo in Cedar Rapids, IA at C.S.P.S. Hall on Sunday, January 17, 1932 -Czech language, 24 pages
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