Sokol Materials
Sokol Materials
Materials related to Cedar Rapids Sokol and Catholic Sokol of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
NCSML Archive SC 1.32.4
No known restrictions on publication.
Collection Items
Western District Sokol Slet program, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1970
‘Western District Sokol Slet, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 12, 13, 14, 1970’ program. ‘Property of Fred Anthony’ written on cover, 42 pages.
Statutes, Vocal department, Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol, c. 1919
Stanovy pěveckého odboru Sokola. Založen dne 24. června roku 1919. V Cedar Rapids, Iowa. [Statutes of the vocal department Sokol. Founded on June 24, 1919 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa]- Czech languge, 10 pages.
Sokolský zpěvník [Sokol songbook], Tělocvičnou Jednotou Sokol, n.d.
Sokolský zpěvník vydaný Tělocvičnou Jednotou Sokol v Cedar Rapids, Iowa.' Song book for Sokol Association of Cedar Rapids (2) -Czech and English, 28 pages.
Sokol May Dance invitation, 1936
Sokol May Dance invitation. Held at Sokol Hall on Thursday, May 21, 1936 –Czech and English.
An Evening of Physical Culture, Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol program, 1948
Program for Cedar Rapids Sokol event. ‘An Evening of Physical Culture, Sunday April 4, 1948’. Held at Woodrow Wilson High School in Cedar Rapids -Czech and English, 4 pages.
An Evening of Physical Culture, Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol program, 1947
An Evening of Physical Culture presented by the Sokol Association of Cedar Rapids starring Sokol champions from Czechoslovakia.' Held at Paramount Theatre in Cedar Rapids on July 3, 1947 –Czech and English, 4 pages
Akademie Tělocvičné Jednoty Sokol program, 1946
Akademie Tělocvičné Jednoty Sokol v Cedar Rapids.' Program for Cedar Rapids Sokol demonstration on Sunday, April 28, 1946 at Woodrow Wilson School- Czech and English, 28 pages.
An Evening of Physical Culture, Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol program, 1939
Program for Cedar Rapids Sokol event. ‘Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol pořádá Večer Tělocvičné Školy v neděli dne 30. dubna 1939’ [An evening of physical culture, Being an Annual Review of the work of the Sokol Association, Sunday, April 30, 1939]. Held at…
An Evening of Physical Culture, Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol program, 1938
Program for Cedar Rapids Sokol event. ‘Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol pořádá Večer Tělocvičné Školy v neděli dne 24. dubna 1938’ [An evening of physical culture, Being an Annual Review of the work of the Sokol Association, Sunday, April 24, 1938]. Held at…
Statutes, Tělocvičná Jednota Sokol, 1936
Stanovy: Tělocvičné Jednoty Sokol v Cedar Rapids, Iowa.' [Charter: Sokol Gymnastics Club in Cedar Rapids, Iowa] -Czech language, 22 pages.